Lower Work Stress: Learn To 'Not Give A Ship'

By: Rod Lacey Sunstone HR (Human Resource Consulting) "Be a rock-star at the things you can control and do your best to not “give-a-ship” about the rest." Life is stressful, extremely busy and naturally gives us plenty to worry about. We are surrounded by an innumerable set of factors that can influence every moment of every day. As we interact with people, their behaviors and choices have an impact on us. Everything we touch during the day has an impact. Even the weather has a bearing on our daily experience. To optimize the amount of peace I enjoy, and to minimize my stress, one of the skills I’ve tried to fine-tune is the ability to separate these daily influences into two separate camps: Things I cannot control, and Things within my control. My ultimate goal with this exercise is: Do the very best I can at the things within my control, and Don’t “give a ship” about the rest Allow me to...