HR Playbook: Boundaryless Service Part 2 - Vertical Service Amplification

My original
Boundaryless Blog focused on both horizontal and vertical Boundaryless
behavior. To provide additional clarification, I will now break this into two separate
blog posts, one on each of the Boundaryless directions.
stated, Boundaryless is a commitment within the HR team that they will serve
immediately, and at any level in the organization. Boundaryless doesn’t change
accountabilities, but it does dismantle territorialism.
If a human
resource team can embrace operating in a boundaryless way, service levels will
reach a new high and organizational support and confidence in the HR team will
greatly increase.
Boundaryless service requires the HR leaders and managers to check their egos
at the door, and recognize and respect that as service levels increase, we will
win as a team.
It also
requires that territorialism and possessive behaviors soften to allow service
to occur as it is most convenient for the organization, rather than fully
restricted to traditional channels.
Boundaryless service is much harder to execute than Horizontal Boundaryless
service (see prior blog) due to natural insecurities related to comparing
ourselves with others. In fact, I believe that most HR leaders are unwilling to
embrace this concept fully, relying on more traditional boundaries established
by organizations (i.e. ‘my role is to serve the executive team, CEO and Board.
Anyone needing to interact with that group should check with me first.’)
There are two
key commitments that must be in place for Vertical Boundaryless Service to work
within an organization.
- First is an understanding that there is an open door and even encouragement to serve wherever possible.
- Second, there is a solid commitment to provide timely updates to individuals who have related accountabilities.
Serve First. Inform Second.
A simple
example I use to teach this is the following scenario:
The HR
Business Partner forms a great relationship with the Chief Marketing Officer
and other Marketing leaders. The CMO regularly asks the HRBP to visit her
office following Marketing staff meetings to review follow-up items.
The HRBP keeps
the VP of HR informed of the CMO’s activities, requests and needs in regular
weekly meetings.
In this way,
the CMO was immediately served, her needs addressed, and accountabilities were
resource professionals committed to Boundaryless service will check their egos
at the door and recognize that the whole HR team is working towards the same
objectives, and that multiple resources are always greater than just one.
Territorialism, internal competitiveness and department segmentation
mentalities have got to take a back seat to the customer service commitment.
For example,
a good HR leader will celebrate when a business partner is seen meeting with
the CEO or one of her peers. A good HR team member will react only positively
when one of their internal customers is seen meeting with another member of the
HR team. Gone are the days of “Don’t speak with my boss without coming to me
first.” Let’s be done with “Why is she always meeting with members of ‘my’
How does this
improve service levels? With everyone in the department committed to
immediately satisfying organizational needs, and throwing all available
resources at any need, chances are that issues will be resolved quicker, in a
less bureaucratic way. Thus, service is expedited, the employee experience
is improved and the organization is better served.
In my
opinion, the greatest risk to Vertical Boundaryless Service is when information
isn’t relayed appropriately. HR Business Partners, one of your primary goals is
to make sure that your VP of HR is never surprised. That is a sure sign that
the “Inform” portion of this simple equation isn’t adequately performing.
It will also
fail when someone feels their territories have been infringed upon, or get
impressions that others are becoming ‘more popular’ in the organization. These
short-sighted and self-centered behaviors often prevent this superior service
from ever occurring in even the greatest of companies.
To bring
the service levels of your HR team to the next level, let’s tear down some
walls! Let’s open doors
and truly work together as a team. Let our commitments be to promptly resolving
concerns and solving problems with all of our resources. Let’s set clear
objectives and respect accountabilities but embrace each other’s help in
achieving our organization’s goals and raising the service level (and
reputation) of our HR department.
Let’s serve the
organization better than ever before. Let’s serve Boundaryless!
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